An Understanding of The Doctrine of Justification is the

Basis of Which the Church Either Progresses or Digresses


Among the rank and file of Christendom, the doctrine of justification and its related doctrines are either grossly misunderstood, unknown, or ignored and thus misapplied. From time to time various precise scholars have attempted to align the church on the right course on these vital and necessary doctrines of salvation by grace through faith alone.

The Body of Christ is certainly in dire need of bible scholars today who will rightly and unselfishly divide the word of God. Those who are such will pain-stakingly wale through the light of the scriptures to focus God’s people on these blessed doctrines, which all work in harmony to convey justification. From the inception of justification by faith or "faith righteousness" as revealed to the Apostle Paul, there has been a concerted effort to place a vial upon this vital truth. This has been and continues to be the target of the satanic forces.

Sadly, it is the misinformed Christian who has and continues to misunderstand the cornerstone of salvation to the extent of placing the Church under the bondage of the doctrine of "works-righteousness". This occurs as a result of a lack of knowledge of the precise elements of the doctrine of Justification and its related doctrines. Unfortunately it is not in the scope of the average child of God to articulate adequately the rational and Biblical response if posed the question, "How and why are you saved?" It is astounding that so many have such a skewed understanding of such an important truth; yet there does not seem to be any concerted effort on the part of mainstream church ministries to guide God’s elect to the light of the provisionary work which has been so graciously supplied to effectuate our eternal security.

It should be the benefit of all of God’s children to dwell epistemologically in the fact of "Justification by Faith alone", but sadly such is not the case because it (justification) has been misapplied or even restated in some off-centered manner. The misstating of the facts of God’s eternally designed plan of salvation occurs mainly when the absolute ramifications of the Sovereignty of God is misconstrued. The misconception of justification is foisted by imprecise pastors in the pulpits, who preach in reality a partial meritorious or none-grace salvation that binds the constituents of grace thus confusing the true concept of this doctrine. This miscarriage of the truth must be met with the utmost precision of the knowledge of God’s eternally executed work of salvation before creation. It is glaringly accurate to state that this precision has mostly been lost in the majority of Christian circles today.

The litmus test to evaluate whether God’s people really understand the true foundation of their salvation is to ask a very simple question, i.e., does the doctrine of justification have anything to do with what one physically or emotionally experiences or does in receiving ones salvation in any manner? If their answer lies anywhere in the confines or realm of "yes", then it is obvious that their understanding of justification is severely flawed. If one thinks that justification is evidenced by what one experiences or does physically rather than what God has previously accomplished on ones behalf, it will inevitably result in the forfeiture of the comfort of ones full assurance.

Notice, with this mindset, the provisions of God’s eternal work are non-existent and the terms (doctrines) of salvation are befuddled. It is vital, yes even critical, to grasp the concept that the doctrine of justification is something completely independent from anything that any man can do, desire to do, or have something done; and most importantly it is not something that is physically or emotionally experienced. In essence it is something God alone accomplished in a single declaration, thus it is independent or it stands apart from the one who is justified. The simple yet precise truth of the doctrine of justification is that those for whom justification is granted are those who have not rendered any contributions either physically, mentally, nor emotionally; thus those who have not worked for it in any manner whatsoever or done anything to deserve it. If one says or teaches otherwise, the biblical concept of Justification is distorted.